As part of the ongoing expansion of the farm we are branching into ducks. This year we started out with a couple Silver Appleyards, Fawn Runners, Blue Runners, and Pekin Grimaud. The Grimaud are for food while the others are for eggs, garden management, and fun for watching.
Below are some pictures of their first time in a bath. These ducklings are only 1 week old. As they grow I will take more video. Upcoming attractions this year include a new coop for all the fowl, a proper pond, and garden all the animals will enjoy.
The brothers Appleyard already look like trouble. In the picture below are two of the male Silver Appleyards we recieved.
The were already trying to swim under the water and float on top of it.
It is amazing how fun they are to just watch.
Nothing like video of ducks swimming. There seems to be an issue with the moble app and displaying the video. Here is a link: